
4Fighter professional training and competition Groin Guard PRO FIGHT Black XS - XL

Simple, innovative design. With elastic waistband for a perfect fit. Qualitative processing of synthetic leather. Available in sizes XS - XL. For children and adults.

RRP EUR 16.80
EUR 8.40 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 8.40 / piece
Delivery within 1-2 working days (in Germany)
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4Fighter professional training and competition Tiefschutz PRO FIGHT black

  • High-quality leatherette
  • quality workmanship
  • Elastic waistband for a perfect fit
  • For children and adults
  • CE-certified

To best assess your size beg orienting basis of the following guidelines:

  • Size: body weight
  • XS: 35 - 45kg
  • S: 45 - 55 Kg
  • M: 55 - 65 Kg
  • L: 65 - 80 Kg
  • XL: from 80Kg

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 4630
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Model Tiefschutz PU
Manufacturer 4Fighter
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 250 g
Net weight 200 g


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