
4Fighter T-shirt Muscle shirt Tanktop grey with 4Fighter printing S-XXL

100% pure cotton with high quality design motif.

RRP EUR 21.00
EUR 12.60 *
Content 1 piece
Unit price EUR 12.60 / piece
Delivery within 1-2 working days (in Germany)
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4Fighter T-Shirt / Muscle shirt / Tanktop
Unique design combined with absolute top quality.

  • Made in Thailand. Here Champions come from!
  • Excellent material processing with high-quality print motif
  • Innovative, consuming gestaltene and extravagant designs and logos
  • Modern slim fit (slim fit)
  • Adapts optimally, thus NO potato sack look!
  • Ideal for training and leisure
  • A MUST TO HAVE for all martial arts friends
  • 100% cotton for comfortable wear
  • wash cold hang to dry

Size chart: body weight


  •      S: 55 - 65 Kg
  •      M: 65 - 75 Kg
  •      L: 75 - 85 Kg
  •      XL: 80 - 90 Kg
  •      XXL: up to 90kg


You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 4151
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Model 4FTMS-01 grey
Manufacturer 4Fighter
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 piece
Weight 100 g
Net weight 100 g


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