
Twins foot and shinguard SGL-7 black super light and perfect fit on the leg

The SGL-7 shin guards from Twins, ideal for hard sparring sessions, because they provide optimal protection on the tibia and have a very good foot cover, while being very lightweight and ergonomic ...

RRP EUR 126.04
EUR 104.19 *
Content 1 pair
Unit price EUR 104.19 / pair
Delivery within 1-2 working days (in Germany)
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Twins foot and shin guards SGL-7

The TWINS SGL-7 double padded shinguard is ideal for heavy sparring sessions as it provides plenty of protection for the tibia and has a very good foot coverage.
At the same time, it is very light and ergonomically shaped for maximum maneuverability.
It is molded from high quality synthetic leather and has a multi-layered, shock-absorbing foam. Finely crafted from high quality artificial leather. CE approved.
For a safe and hard workout. Lying on the leg like a second skin, weigh in at just 300 grams per protector and still ensure ideal comfort and perfect protection.

S = shin part 34cm / foot part 13cm suitable for persons of approx. 150-160cm
M = shin part 36cm / foot part 15cm suitable for persons of approx. 160-170cm
L = shin part 38cm / foot part 17cm suitable for people of about 170-180cm

You're unsure about the size? Then check our size chart

Item ID 3845
Condition New
Age rating No age restriction
Model Profesionelle PU Schienbeinschützer
Manufacturer Twins
Manufacturing country Germany
Content 1 pair
Weight 350 g
Net weight 300 g


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